An Error in Ice-Temperature Measurement

T. J. O. Sanderson
1977 Journal of Glaciology  
An analysis is made of the disturbance in conductive heat flow caused by drilling a bore hole in ice in which there is a vertical temperature gradient. The model used is that of a perfectly insulating hole placed in a linear temperature gradient; it is shown that the temperature measured at the bottom of the hole deviates from its value before drilling by an amount of order —0.6aU where a is the bore-holt radius and U is the temperature gradient. The deviation takes effect in a few hours. The
more » ... ror is typically between 0.005 and 0.1 deg and is therefore significant only where very high accuracy is required. It should not be present in temperate glaciers, nor where the thermometer is properly frozen in, nor if temperatures are measured at the bore-hole walls far above the bottom.
doi:10.3189/s0022143000021419 fatcat:bz5zicfisvge3egu447mmsqtla