Impact of Adverse Life Events on Individuals With Low and High Schizotypy in a Nonpatient Sample

Krisztina Kocsis-Bogár, Mónika Miklósi, Dóra Perczel Forintos
2013 Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease  
The aims of this study were to gain a better understanding of adverse life events connected with the development of schizotypal personality traits and, also, to examine whether subclinical schizotypy has a relationship with vulnerability to traumatic intrusions and avoidance. In a cross-sectional design, 198 undergraduate students completed the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-LIFE), the Impact of Event Scale (IES), and Paykel's Life Events Scale, together with other
more » ... evant scales. The number of adverse life events was significantly related to overall schizotypy measured by O-LIFE scores and positive schizotypy measured by the Unusual Experiences (UnEx) subscale. The subjective severity of life events was significantly related to Cognitive Disorganization (CogDis). Measures of positive schizotypy (UnEx and CogDis) were significantly related to the scores on the IES and on the intrusion and avoidance subscales, too. Adverse life events are associated with schizotypal personality traits, which contribute to a tendency for traumatic intrusions, even in a nonpatient sample. this article is prohibited. R 2 = 0.06, F = 6.181, df = 194, p = 0.003 Dependent variable: O-LIFE introvertive anhedonia R 2 = 0.002, F = 0.163, df = 194, p = 0.850 Dependent variable: O-LIFE impulsive nonconformity R 2 = 0.019, F = 10.895, df = 194, p = 0.153 Dependent variables: the O-LIFE and the subscales.
doi:10.1097/nmd.0b013e3182845cea pmid:23417012 fatcat:3k3viq76mfhuxgoyibbeplno5q