Ning Eliyati, Ika Arifieni. Prediction and Classification of Low Birth…

Alfensi Faruk, E Cahyono
2018 unpublished
Machine learning (ML) is a subject that focuses on the data analysis using various statistical tools and learning processes in order to gain more knowledge from the data. The objective of this research was to apply one of the ML techniques on the low birth weight (LBW) data in Indonesia. This research conducts two ML tasks, including prediction and classification. The binary logistic regression model was firstly employed on the train and the test data. Then, the random approach was also applied
more » ... to the data set. The results showed that the binary logistic regression had a good performance for prediction , but it was a poor approach for classification. On the other hand, random forest approach has a very good performance for both prediction and classification of the LBW data set.