Deformation Analysis of Peen Forming by Finite Element Method

Takayuki TAKAHASHI, Takeshi YAMADA, Takashi ISHIKAWA
2007 Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity  
The peen forming process has been applied to aerospace wing skin parts since the 1960s because there is no other suitable method for forming of wing skins that have both gentle and complex curvatures. However, it is very difficult to determine the forming parameters; in fact, numerous trial-and-error forming tests have been conducted before production. Therefore, the development of a simulation method for the peen forming process is necessary for decreasing the development duration and total
more » ... t of aerospace parts. The objective of this work is to develop a simulation method for the peen forming process. In this study, the peen forming test and FEM impact analysis of a single shot are performed for obtaining fundamental information on shot peening. From the results, it is found that the diameter and depth of indentation increase with the energy of shot peening, and the profile of the diameter has a normal distribution. Also, the FEM simulation model for peen forming with a shell element, which has a total strain estimated from impact analysis near the surface layer, is developed. The simulation results of peen forming are in good agreement with the forming test results.
doi:10.9773/sosei.48.120 fatcat:2g6smfph7vcmhbc2ux3uotumae