Structure of a Low Carbon Al-killed/Ti-added Steel

R. Mendoza, J. Camacho, G. Lugo, C. Lopez, L. Herrera, J. Reyes, C. Gonalez, J. A. Juarez-Islas
1997 ISIJ International  
A Iow carbon Al-killed/Ti-added steel was processed in a Mexican steel companyas a part of a research program which has the scope of developing ultra low carbon steels for automotive applications. Microstructural characterization of slab in the as-cast and re-heated conditions prior to the rolling operations is presented. giving emphasis to the nucleation of TiN on existing AIN particles, evidence of this behaviour is presented.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.37.176 fatcat:xvuxulwofnf3tcesjetqkwu5cm