Electromagnetic radiation due to naked singularity formation in self-similar gravitational collapse

Eiji Mitsuda, Hirotaka Yoshino, Akira Tomimatsu
2005 Physical Review D  
Dynamical evolution of test fields in background geometry with a naked singularity is an important problem relevant to the Cauchy horizon instability and the observational signatures different from black hole formation. In this paper we study electromagnetic perturbations generated by a given current distribution in collapsing matter under a spherically symmetric self-similar background. Using the Green's function method, we construct the formula to evaluate the outgoing energy flux observed at
more » ... the future null infinity. The contributions from "quasi-normal" modes of the self-similar system as well as "high-frequency" waves are clarified. We find a characteristic power-law time evolution of the outgoing energy flux which appears just before naked singularity formation, and give the criteria as to whether or not the outgoing energy flux diverges at the future Cauchy horizon.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.71.084033 fatcat:ydsv7hvrmfd4dgk2ri4f2vpbg4