Spatial damage identification in composite plates using multiwavelets

Andrzej Katunin
2013 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics  
The wavelet transform is one of the most effective tools for many tasks concerning signal and image processing, however it is difficult to obtain all of the necessary properties in one scalar wavelet. This leads to the development of new types of transforms such as a multiwavelet transform, which possesses more than one scaling and wavelet function and makes a possibility to combine these functions in order to obtain necessary properties. In the present study the CL2, LV and DGHM multiwavelets
more » ... ere used for an identification of spatial damage in a composite plate based on the analysis of its modal shapes. The obtained results show that some properties of the multiwavelet transform may improve the damage identification algorithm and replace the classical wavelet-based methods.
doi:10.17512/jamcm.2013.3.08 fatcat:akc5w7hwjff2nikq3xqmhpxraq