Fast MIMO channel calculation technique for multi-antenna system using spread spectrum technique for FDTD method

Kazuma Ouchida, Naoki Honma, Yoshitaka Tsunekawa
2014 IEICE Communications Express  
In this letter, we present a new method that combines the spectrum spreading technique and FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) simulation for reducing the computation time in multipleantenna analysis. In this method, signals for the multiple antennas are generated by multiplying non-identical spreading codes, and multiple antennas are excited at the same time. This approach means that only a single FDTD simulation is needed whereas the conventional method needs as many simulations as there are
more » ... transmitting antennas. A 2×2 multiple-antenna is simulated by way of a demonstration and it is found that the results of the proposed method agree well with those of the conventional method even though its computation time is shorter than that of the conventional method.
doi:10.1587/comex.3.104 fatcat:ebl5d52civfqvmwea2p2lxvre4