Discussion on some enlightenment from Construction Characteristics in Berlin

Shang Zhen
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Economics and Management, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (EMEHSS 2017)   unpublished
There must be a lot of things are worthy of our learning and thinking in cities like Berlin. Berlin's urban construction characteristics are distinctive: first, this city attaches great importance to the repair and maintenance of ancient buildings; second, there are still a lot of 1960s and the 1970s' old buildings of modernist period in this city; third, the new buildings and the old buildings are symbiotic, the project construction amounts of single street are comparatively small. If we
more » ... tand the construction characteristics of Berlin in detail, we can easily get a deeper level of thoughtful connotation.
doi:10.2991/emehss-17.2017.76 fatcat:igkjwe4sgnandlapk5g6w4cd4a