Haerul Akmal, Tesa Mellina, Mulyono Jamal, Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi
2020 Ijtihad : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam  
Property is a mandate that must be developed in a planned manner for the purpose of eliminating poverty, meeting the basic needs of every individual, making life comfortable and encouraging the creation of an equitable distribution of income and wealth, this can be achieved by safeguarding assets, and this applies not only to individuals , but also institutions, agencies and even industry. This research is a type of research that is descriptive analysis, the method of data collection is done by
more » ... interview and observation, this study took 5 respondents to answer the variables studied. This research shows that the preservation of assets in sharia maqoshid is carried out through business or business and is distributed according to the guidance of sharia. The concept of safeguarding assets in Lombok's sharia tourism of assets includes two aspects, namely iktisab done by establishing beautifying tourist objects, hotels or lodging, and restaurants. The aspect of distribution (income) is done by donation, alms, namely by building poor houses on Friday, building mosques or places of worship in the area of tourist attractions, channeling funds for Posyandu, Koran teachers and marbots. the mosque.
doi:10.21111/ijtihad.v14i1.4501 fatcat:tlz3mf2sbvcldjkwbf2bhqh5y4