C. H. Dobbie
2011 Coastal Engineering Proceedings  
The tidal flood of Jan.-Sep. 1953, which caused much damage to the east and south-east coast of England, was investigated by numerous authorities, including the Government Waverley Committee. (1) The report of this last body has resulted in further alterations of methods of financing sea defence works. A fundamental alteration in the basic conception for design of sea walls has also taken place. Instead of attempting to build to extreme heights to exclude tidal flooding, it is now usual to
more » ... for a certain degree of overtopping during top flood conditions. The systems of legislation, administration and finance, now brought up to modern standards, are set out with some reference to their histories. Factors affecting design heights of sea walls are enumerated. A type of revetment developed in England, and much used in the works constructed following the floods is described.
doi:10.9753/icce.v5.32 fatcat:poreyjal2jhp7gfjyrpkbqpjku