Female gender and entrepreneurship

Sureyya Gumussoy, Elif Aktekin
2016 Pressacademia  
The increasing number of women entrepreneurs is an important indicator of development socially. This study will examine the effects of having a female gender to the entrepreneurship. The databases in the social sciences and health sciences scanned, the results of research has compiled. Women live some problems because of being a woman in the entrepreneurial process. Some problems such as role conflict, insecurity, sexual expectations, experiences failure, the lack of information society that
more » ... ues and pressure on women, expectations of failure, difficulty in finding partners, housework and child care, blocking competitors, legal and bureaucratic obstacles, the difficulty of finding capital, prevent the entry of women into working life. Contributing to the economy in order to improve both social and economic development of our country to increase the number of women entrepreneurs, to that provided at the obstacles they face because they are women, and women are required to eliminate the difficulties.
doi:10.17261/pressacademia.2016118639 fatcat:sycdem34crcbjesl6kzcatlc4y