The application of split step fourier migration to interpreting GPR data in Vietnam

Dang Hoai Trung, Nguyen Van Giang, Nguyen Thanh Van, Nguyen Van Thuan, Vo Minh Triet
2017 Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển  
Migration methods play an essential role in processing ground penetrating radar data. For estimating electromagnetic propagation velocity distribution, the finite - difference migration is used because of its reliable performance with high noise conditions. To optimize this migration algorithm, we propose using energy diagram as a criterion of looking for the correct velocity. If the velocity varies laterally and vertically, split step Fourier migration is used for creating a true image of
more » ... rface structures. We applied these steps to real data in Vietnam. The results verified on field data show that migrated images with calculated velocity from energy diagram have the best quality.
doi:10.15625/1859-3097/17/4b/13004 fatcat:cylphl6p6jet3pa3lqgfeskjdy