P146 Prescribing respiratory medicines without making a diagnosis of Asthma in UK Primary Care

S Clayton, V Carter, W Lenney, D Price, I Small, J Smith
2015 Thorax  
Results Within the 40 patients there were 23 non-suppressors (ie adherent patients) and 17 suppressors (ie non-adherent patients). With the patients using the INCA technology, the server highlighted technique errors; for example, not activating the drug blister or exhaling into the mouthpiece, as well as erratic timing issues. At subsequent follow up appointments these issues were emphasised and addressed by using patient-friendly print outs showing the usage of the inhaler, with the addition
more » ... alarm reminders and behavioural cues to encourage adherence. Conclusion FeNO Suppression and INCA testing is an effective method of identifying and managing non-adherence with the capability of encouraging improved technique and timing also having the capability to be used as a long term behavioural assistance to adherence to ICS.
doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207770.283 fatcat:fjqx5wrtjzalpdpy7emsba5kri