Visual information seeking in multiple electronic health records

Taowei David Wang, Krist Wongsuphasawat, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman
2010 Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Health informatics - IHI '10  
Current electronic health record (EHR) systems facilitate the storage, retrieval, persistence, and sharing of patient data. However, the way physicians interact with EHRs has not changed much. More specifically, support for temporal analysis of a large number of EHRs has been lacking. A number of information visualization techniques have been proposed to alleviate this problem. Unfortunately, due to their limited application to a single case study, the results are often difficult to generalize
more » ... cross medical scenarios. We present the usage data of Lifelines2 [22], our information visualization system, and user comments, both collected over eight different medical case studies. We generalize our experience into an information-seeking process model for multiple EHRs. Based on our analysis, we make recommendations to future information visualization designers for EHRs on design requirements and future research directions.
doi:10.1145/1882992.1883001 dblp:conf/ihi/WangWPS10 fatcat:jxohjgkqtvdhzgyn6cuqqepgg4