Flat metasurfaces to focus electromagnetic waves in reflection geometry

Xin Li, Shiyi Xiao, Bengeng Cai, Qiong He, Tie Jun Cui, Lei Zhou
2012 Optics Letters  
We show that a flat metasurface with a parabolic reflection-phase distribution can focus an impinging plane wave to a point image in reflection geometry. Our system is much thinner than conventional geometric-optics devices and does not suffer the energy-loss issues encountered by many metamaterial devices working in transmission geometry. We designed realistic microwave samples and performed near-field scanning experiments to verify the focusing effect. Experimental results are in good
more » ... t with full wave simulations, model calculations, and theoretical analyses.
doi:10.1364/ol.37.004940 pmid:23202097 fatcat:muurfu4j2fb5zco67lxzksrabm