On the Rationality of the Resurrection

John Smith
2017 Figshare  
Did Jesus of Nazareth rise from the dead? One way in which this question can be answered in the positive that doesn't depend upon faith alone is by appeal to history, or to written accounts of what occurred in 1st century Judea. But it is arguable that this style of answer must, by itself, always fail to be rationally acceptable simply because resurrection is -it would seem- physically impossible. In order for this style of argument to be rationally acceptable, this barrier of the physical
more » ... sibility of resurrection must first be removed. If it is not removed, the arguer will if pushed be left more or less helplessly waving their hands in the direction of the supernatural. The Shroud of Turin potentially provides the only better line of argument, but is vulnerable to the same objection. In this note, we examine the nature of the failure of these arguments for the resurrection, and go on to suggest that the apparent physical impossibility of resurrection arises from an incomplete understanding of the physical world.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5576896.v6 fatcat:ecakmno7tff5poywotwcy66pja