Effectiveness of High-Flux Hemodialysis for the Reduction of Serum Urea and Creatinine Levels in Life Threatening Ethylene Glycol Poisoning in Dogs - Case Report

Mircea Mircean, Razvan Andrei Codea, Cristian Popovici, Cosmin Pestean, Orsolya Sarpataki, Lucia Bel, Liviu Oana, Aurel Bizo
2015 Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Veterinary Medicine  
The main problem of ethylene glycol consumption and intoxication is acute tubular necrosis and consecutive acute renal failure. In our case a 3,5 years Bucovina Shepard female dog presented with acute renal failure following antifreeze ingestion. The dog was subjected to three HF hemodialysis treatments which dramatically reduced the urea creatinine levels and also the metabolic derangements.
doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-vm:11109 fatcat:s3uanfdgvfbx5b2hdwpakiliqa