Earth Mover's Distances for Rooted Labaled Unordered Trees based on Tai Mapping Hierarchy

Taiga Kawaguchi, Kouichi Hirata
2018 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods  
In this paper, we introduce earth mover's distances (EMDs, for short) for rooted labeled trees based on Tai mapping hierarchy. First, by focusing on the restricted mappings in the Tai mapping hierarchy providing the tractable variations of the tree edit distance, we formulate the EMDs whose signatures are all of the pairs of a complete subtree and its frequency and whose ground distances are the tractable variations. Then, we compare the EMDs with their ground distances, which are tractable
more » ... ations. Kawaguchi, T. and Hirata, K. Earth Mover's Distances for Rooted Labaled Unordered Trees based on Tai Mapping Hierarchy.
doi:10.5220/0006633701590168 dblp:conf/icpram/KawaguchiH18 fatcat:ovaizcexh5bhhh72bxfptseweq