Salisbury Advertiser and Eastern Shoreman 08-1880

(:Unkn) Unknown
N o mrKovKXKxr hasadded so much 'ion Houi^-ket-jxrrs' comfort, rttpwially for Munnier n&e. froroojift<*r^-aton«*, bee hoa*i. *tr.. It has prov.xl lt*cif cxju-Uy ad»p1ed. Planl.« flourikli where the r<XMn'ls heatfxl with the Hot BU«t Oil Stove, touts \\\ cents per hour for fuel. Send for a circular. WHITUBY' MFCL CO.,
doi:10.13016/m20000122 fatcat:odemsgxh5faejnj5v2ii4mqque