The microstrip filters based on electromagnetic crystal of resonators 2d disposition

B A Belyaev, S A Khodenkov, Ya F Balva, S S Aplesnin, O N Bandurina
2016 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
To cite this article: B A Belyaev et al 2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 155 012004 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Microstrip filters based on 2D electromagnetic crystal S A Khodenkov and B A Belyaev -Effectiveness of BaTiO 3 dielectric patches on YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 thin films for MEM switches J Vargas, Y Hijazi, J Noel et al. -Investigation of frequency-selective properties of microwave wideband bandpass filters S A Khodenkov and N M Boev -This content
more » ... s downloaded from IP address on 25/07 Abstract. Filters of the 6th order, based on 2D electromagnetic crystals were developed. Application in structures of resonators with convolved and earthed on its base with strip conductors enables the implementation of filters having high frequency-selective properties and demanded in the aerospace equipment. While developing and researching new structures of frequency-selective microwave devices [1] used in missile-space technology, developers traditionally try to increase their selective properties [2] [3] , to improve manufacturability, to reduce their size and to lower the cost of finished products. This paper presents the bandpass filters with perspective microstrip resonators periodically arranged on two spatial coordinates that electromagnetically interact with each other. It is necessary to note that in such resonator ( Fig. 1) with original folded segments of strip conductors 2-1 connected together through general grounding 4 on the basis, due to a large step of wave resistance in line segments, the frequency of higher oscillation modes increase significantly.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/155/1/012004 fatcat:zh2o5sftavasdl4mykjt3v24zu