Deformation of NHL3.5 and CL90/PC hybrid mortars

R. J. Ball, A. El-Turki, W. J. Allen, J. A. Nicholson, G. C. Allen
2009 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Construction Materials  
The time-dependent deformation of an NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime mortar, a 1 : 6 Portland cement mortar, two Portland cement/CL90 hybrid mortars and a CL90 lime paste, through creep and drying shrinkage under load, has been investigated. An apparatus was constructed to measure the dimensional changes of eight individual samples simultaneously. A reversible relationship between changes in specimen dimension and relative humidity has been established. The influence of load on deformation rate
more » ... as found to be most significant during the first two weeks of monitoring with little effect thereafter. The rate of deformation during the first 2 weeks of sample monitoring was greatest for mortars containing a high proportion of calcium hydroxide. A linear relationship was found between strain rate and calcium hydroxide content. A number of studies have been undertaken by various researchers into the creep behaviour of concrete. 12-14 However, the authors are unaware of any which address lime mortars. The term creep can be used to describe the deformation of a material Construction Materials 162 Issue CM1 Deformation of NHL3.5 and CL90/PC hybrid mortars Ball et al.
doi:10.1680/coma.2009.162.1.29 fatcat:xsyzghuymvepxfro73jnecru24