VoIP capacity analysis in IEEE 802.11 WLAN

Kewin O. Stoeckigt, Hai L. Vu
2009 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks  
Wireless voice over IP (VoIP) is an important emerging service in telecommunications due to its potential for replacing cell phone communication wherever wireless local area network (WLAN) is installed. Recent studies, however, suggest that the number of voice calls that can be supported in the widely deployed IEEE 802.11 WLAN is limited. In this paper, we utilize a so-called transmission opportunity (TXOP) parameter of a medium access control protocol as a simple solution to improve the VoIP
more » ... pacity. We provide a detailed analytical model to show that the capacity can be improved significantly, and discuss the implications of the TXOP parameter in terms of the maximum number of calls the 802.11 network can support. The analytical results are validated by simulations for a wide range of parameters. Furthermore we investigate the impact of the buffer at the access point (AP) on the number of obtainable voice calls. We show that there exists an optimal buffer size where the maximum voice capacity is achieved, but further increasing the buffer beyond this value will not result in an increased voice capacity. Based on this finding a closed form expression for the maximum number of voice calls is developed as a function of TXOP value. Finally, we propose a simple yet accurate voice capacity approximation formula for voice capacity estimation in WLAN and provide some insights that an be gained from this formula. 116 978-1-4244-4487-8/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE
doi:10.1109/lcn.2009.5355192 dblp:conf/lcn/StoeckigtV09 fatcat:b7eygo3aqjbyhg2vmkx4mjqmkq