Exploiting Duplications for Efficient Task Offloading in Multi-User Edge Computing

Chang Shu, Yinhui Luo, Fang Liu
2022 Electronics  
The proliferation of IoT applications has pushed the horizon of edge computing, which provides processing ability at the edge of networks. Task offloading is one of the most important issues in edge computing and has attracted continuous research attention in recent years. With task offloading, end devices can offload the entire task or only subtasks to the edge servers to meet the delay and energy requirements. Most existing offloading schemes are limited by the increasing complexity of task
more » ... pologies, as considerable time is wasted for local/edge subtasks to wait for their precedent subtasks being executed at the edge/local device. This problem becomes even worse when the dependencies among subtasks become complex and the number of end-users increases. To address this problem, our key methodology is to exploit subtask duplications to reduce the inter-subtask delay and shorten the task completion time. Based on this, we propose a Duplication-based and Energy-aware Task Offloading scheme (DETO), which duplicates critical subtasks that have a large impact on the completion time and thus enhances the parallelism between local and edge computing. In addition, among numerous choices of subtask duplications, DETO evaluates the gain/cost ratio for each possible duplication and chooses the most efficient ones. As a result, the extra resource for duplications is greatly reduced. We also design a distributed DETO algorithm to support multi-user, multi-server edge computing. Extensive evaluation results show that DETO can effectively reduce the task completion time (by 12.22%) and improve the resource utilization (by 15.17%), in particular for multi-user edge computing networks.
doi:10.3390/electronics11142244 fatcat:qpu45fr6c5fq5h4v75ss265ksa