Aerosol- und Aktivitaetsfreisetzung aus kontaminierten Natriumlachen in Inertgasatmosphaere [report]

H. Sauter, W. Schuetz
Aerosol and Activity Release from Contaminated Sodium Pools in Inert Gas Atmosphere Subject of the KfK-NALA program is the investigation (mainly experimental) of fuel and fission product release from hot sodium into an inert gas atmosphere, of sodium evaporation and sodium aerosol behaviour in a closed vessel. The experiments are related to the SNR 300 core catcher problem. The present report is the final report of the program phase NALA II. A description is given of parameters and results from
more » ... technical scale experiments (1 kg Na, 531 cm 2 pool surface area, 481-632 °C pool temperature, uo 2 -, Nai-, SrO-admixtures from 0.2 up to 20 g, 2.2 m 3 vessel to be heated up to 130 °C) and from laboratory scale experiments in a glove box (100 g Na, 38.5 cm 2 pool surface area, 550 °C pool temperature, uo2 and SrO admixtures from 0.2 up to 5 g, with the released quantities being sucked into cold traps and filters). 52 54 57 62 67 82
doi:10.5445/ir/270018819 fatcat:gi77bbet7jelnksbiuraj447si