Building a Dynamic Interoperable Security Architecture for Active Networks [report]

Roy H. Campbell, M. D. Mickunas
2002 unpublished
Active networks aim to provide a software framework that enables network applications to customize the processing of their communications. Security is of critical importance to the success of active networking. This paper discusses the design of securing the node of an active network using active networking principles. The secure node architecture includes an Active Node Operating System Security API, an Active Security Guardian, and Quality of Protection (QoP) provisions. The architecture
more » ... rts highly customized and situational policies created by users and applications dynamically. It permits active nodes to satisfy the application specific dynamic security and protection requirements. It aids the application of the "need-to-know" security principle and associates quality of protection with network software and application security. The secure node architecture can provide fundamental base for securing the active network infrastructure.
doi:10.21236/ada407881 fatcat:fuonoag5zjgkribihjzyvru4ae