David J. DeWitt, Erik Paulson, Eric Robinson, Jeffrey Naughton, Joshua Royalty, Srinath Shankar, Andrew Krioukov
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
This paper introduces Clustera, an integrated computation and data management system. In contrast to traditional clustermanagement systems that target specific types of workloads, Clustera is designed for extensibility, enabling the system to be easily extended to handle a wide variety of job types ranging from computationally-intensive, long-running jobs with minimal I/O requirements to complex SQL queries over massive relational tables. Another unique feature of Clustera is the way in which
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... e system architecture exploits modern software building blocks including application servers and relational database systems in order to realize important performance, scalability, portability and usability benefits. Finally, experimental evaluation suggests that Clustera has good scale-up properties for SQL processing, that Clustera delivers performance comparable to Hadoop for MapReduce processing and that Clustera can support higher job throughput rates than previously published results for the Condor and CondorJ2 batch computing systems. 978-1-60558-305-1/08/08 Drawing inspiration from cluster management systems like Condor, MapReduce, and parallel database systems, Dryad [18] is intended to be a general-purpose framework for developing coarse-grain data parallel applications. Dryad applications consist of a data flow graph composed of vertices, corresponding to sequential computations, connected to each other by communication channels implemented via sockets, sharedmemory message queues, or files. The Dryad framework provides support for scheduling the vertices constituting a computation on the nodes of a cluster, establishing communication channels between computations, and dealing with software and hardware failures. In many ways the goals of the Clustera project and Dryad are quite similar to one another. Both are targeted toward handling a wide range of applications ranging from single process, computationally intensive jobs to parallel SQL queries. The two systems, however, employ radically different implementation strategies. Dyrad uses techniques similar to those first pioneered by the Condor project based on the use of daemon processes running on each node in the cluster to which the scheduler pushes jobs for execution.