Event-Based Analysis of Timed Rebeca Models using SQL

Brynjar Magnusson, Ehsan Khamespanah, Ramtin Khosravi, Marjan Sirjani
2014 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Programming based on Actors Agents & Decentralized Control - AGERE! '14  
In this paper, we present a simulation-based approach for analysis of Timed Rebeca models to tackle the state space explosion problem. We present a simulation toolkit, TRSim, which uses McErlang as a backend simulator and stores the occurrences of events while executing the model in a relational database. We also present TeProp, a timed event-based property language, which is designed to be easy-to-use for specifying and reasoning about timed occurrences of events in an actor system. One can
more » ... ck TeProp formulas against multiple simulation runs by transforming the formulas to SQL queries and executing the queries over the event database. Using this approach, the correctness of large models can be analyzed to a bounded degree of confidence. To illustrate the applicability of TRSim toolkit and TeProp we provide a number of case studies.
doi:10.1145/2687357.2687365 dblp:conf/agere/MagnussonKKS14 fatcat:vg2csdov5bethgtltfaefbm4la