Pulse Current Measurement of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Intrinsic Josephson Junctions

T. Katoa, S. Sunaga, K. Yasui, K. Hamasaki
2012 Physics Procedia  
Current-voltage characteristics of Bi-2212 intrinsic Josephosn junctions, unfortunately, are greatly affected by joule heating, due to the very low thermal conductivity of the Bi-2212 material. To reduce this effect, we used pulse current measurement technique. The current pulses were supplied from a home-built pulse generator with the pulse width of 250 nsec and the duty ratio of 2.5×10 -5 . The pulse shapes of the input current and the junction voltage were monitored with an analog storage
more » ... illoscope. The junction voltage was determined at the 200 ns from a triggered point. At 77 K, it was found that a quasiparticle curve in the subgap region could be approximated by a linear resistance.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.06.173 fatcat:ycj6sudsvbhhjnnpw7vjofqm6y