Buffer Insertion-based HFNS for Efficient ASIC Implementation
효율적인 ASIC구현을 위한 버퍼 삽입 방식의 HFNS

Seok Woo Jang, Dong-Wook Kim, Young-Ho Seo
2014 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Engineering  
In this paper, we proposed a practical methodology of HFNS (high fanout net synthesis) to use buffer insertion which has been applied in the fields. First, we proposed consideration to execute HFNS and detail techniques for it. Next we proposed post-process method which is necessary to obtain success of HFNS. The buffer-insertion based method for HFNS is a kind of popular technique, but we targeted a practical and commercial aspect of HHNS. 키워드 : HFNS, 버퍼 삽입, 팬아웃, 레이아웃, ASIC
doi:10.6109/jkiice.2014.18.2.415 fatcat:qtf5aog6ird2fkjvtc6sqkd6xu