Radiation tolerance of silicon particle detectors for high-energy physics experiments [report]

Henning Feick
Kurzfassung lv Contents v 11ntroductlon. .1 2 Basic Features of Silicon Detectors 4 2.1 Principlesof Operation * 2.2StnictuTeoflhelnveitigaiedDevkei S 2-2.1 Detectot Grade Silicon 5 2.2.2 Oxide Passivatxm 6 2.2.3 Design Features 7 2.3 The Electric FieMZone 9 2.3.1 Abrupt Junction 9 2.3.2 MOS Diode II 2.4 Probnig tite Depfetioa Region with a Proton Mkro-Beam 12 2.4.) Measunnnent Baski and Experirnental Procedure 12 2.4.2 Surfice Binier Devices 14 2.4.3 lon-Implanted Devices with Floating and
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doi:10.3204/pubdb-2016-03034 fatcat:jx5rhedp6navdgsap6ldtdq6rm