Sea-Air Impacts on Fishing Season of Hand Line Skipjack Tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Pacitan Coastal Waters of The South Eastern Indian Ocean

Bram Setyadji, Widodo Setiyo Pranowo, Khairul Amri
2018 Omni-Akuatika  
Fishing season is important in term of understanding the catch dynamics however, by far the analysis never considered environmental variables into the calculation. The environmental variables in this case is addressed to sea-air interactions during 2012-2015, i.e. monthly wind, surface wind wave, and precipitation level. This study aimed the alternative, yet breakthrough on using Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to analyse the fishing season of skipjack tuna caught by small-scale hand line fleet.
more » ... The result showed that GLM can be a good alternative in term of predicting the fishing season of skipjack tuna. It provided a good understanding with the surrounded environmental variables. Skipjack tuna fishing season starts from March, reach its peak in April and October. The low season is Februari, June and September. Local weather (wind speed) and religious affair (FastIed) significantly affected the fishing behavior thus lead to dynamics of CPUE obtained.Keywords: sea-air; fishing season; hand line; skipjack; Pacitan coastal waters; south eastern Indian Ocean; CPUE, GLM, small-scale
doi:10.20884/1.oa.2018.14.1.207 fatcat:ummldap6fvboblme42sqaj73cy