Research on Multi-interactive Teaching of College English under the Environment of Information Technology

Qiongjing Zheng, W.D. Deng
2022 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Multi-interactive teaching model is an important way to improve the quality of college English teaching, and it is also the key foundation to improve students' understanding of college English teaching content. In the increasingly mature environment of information technology application, students' learning enthusiasm will be fully stimulated, multi-interactive communication will be deepened, and students' English core literacy will be effectively enhanced by giving full play to the advantages
more » ... information technology, to upgrade the intelligence of college English teaching system. Based on the analysis of the multi-interactive teaching mode of college English under the information technology environment, this paper puts forward some practical strategies for innovating the multi-interactive teaching of college English by using information technology.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/202235901005 fatcat:ydxiiysqczd75gnfvfb5yxbnbu