Exploration and Practical Study on the Blended Teaching Model of College English

2017 2017 International Conference on Frontiers in Educational Technologies and Management Sciences (FETMS 2017)   unpublished
With the development of economic globalization, China has increasingly paid attention to economic and commercial communication than before, so the teaching of foreign language has been taken seriously in China. English, as a widely used language in the world, efficiency of the English teaching also has been highlighted in China's teaching system. The blended teaching model of college English has changed the traditional teaching situation by which students are filled with the knowledge
more » ... and it also has better shown the function of teacher's guidance and assistance. It can help students fulfill their goals, which are independent and lifelong learning. Therefore, the exploration and practical study on the blended teaching model are of great significance.
doi:10.25236/fetms.2017.027 fatcat:dclpnzwujveofahayy2ln4zpx4