Early decline spectra of nova SMC 2001 and nova LMC 2002

Elena Mason
2002 AIP Conference Proceedings  
We report results on the spectroscopic follow-up of Nova SMC 2001 and Nova LMC 2002 carried out at La Silla. The analysis of the spectroscopic evolution shows that these objects belong to the Fe II class, according to the Cerro Tololo scheme. From the line fluxes and the expansion velocities, we have derived an approximate mass for the ejected shells of 2÷3×10 −4 M . The filling factor measurements (ε ∼ 10 −4 ÷ 10 −1 ) suggest a clumpy structure for the ejecta.
doi:10.1063/1.1518250 fatcat:ighiaxqo25cgnjkadh7x4xdboe