Characterization of Alternatively Spliced Isoforms of MUC4 and ADAM12 Genes in a Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Cell Line Model [post]

Saleh Althenayyan, Mohammed H AlMuhanna, Abdulkareem Al Abdulrahman, Bandar Alghanem, Suliman A. Alsagaby, Mohammad Aziz
2021 unpublished
Colorectal cancer prognosis get worse with advancement of disease into metastatic stage. There is a pertinent need to develop prognostic biomarkers that can be used for personalized and precision medicine. Alternative splicing provides an insight into understanding of changes at isoform expression level which may not be evident at gene level. In this direction, we utilized our prior knowledge about significant alternatively spliced genes and chose ADAM12 and MUC4 for further characterization in
more » ... a metastatic cell line model. These genes were found to be good prognostic indicators in The Cancer Genome Atlas database. We studied the gene organization and designed primers to specifically amplify a group of isoforms. Differential expression of these group of isoforms was observed in normal, primary and metastatic colorectal cancer cell lines. We further validated the results using sanger sequencing. Isoform expression was found to respond to the 5-fluorouracil treatment. RNAseq analysis of the cell lines further validated the differential expression of gene isoforms. Successful detection of ADAM12 and MUC4 in cell lysates varied according to the antibody used which may reflect differential expression of isoforms. This comprehensive study underscores the importance of studying alternatively spliced isoforms and their probable used as prognostic or predictive biomarkers.
doi:10.20944/preprints202106.0102.v1 fatcat:m2wdtioe6fcnrkoklctre47l4m