Research Status of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Zijiao Hu
2019 Open Journal of Social Sciences  
In the context of global opening and the era of the Greater Bay Area, as a strategic fulcrum of the "Belt and Road" and an important form of regional development in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area is an institutional arrangement that is in line with China's national conditions in the process of reform and opening up. Based on the domestic and international research results of the Bay Area, this article reviews the literature of the PRD and Guangdong-Hong
more » ... o Bay Area, and relative researches in formation mechanism, evaluation system, development momentum, development model and so on. The current research is characterized by multidisciplinary and single content, and there are also many problems, such as emphasis on macro-economy and lack of empirical results. In the future, the focus and difficulty of the study should be the empirical analysis of micro subject within Bay Area.
doi:10.4236/jss.2019.72021 fatcat:jnz6ubbxc5gf7c2nmh2fh2fzd4