Analysis of Relationship Between Water Quality Parameters with Land Use in Yeongsan River Basin
영산강 수계의 토지이용과 수질항목 간의 상관관계 분석

Jinhwan Park, Myungjin Moon, Kapsoon Kim
2014 Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment  
The purpose of this study is to provide a base line data to improve the water quality in the Yeongsan River basin. As the major factor that affects the water quality of Yeongsan River is nonpoint pollution source, in order to find a resolve to improve the quality, a study was conducted to identify the correlation between the stream water quality and that of the land use. The study showed that the concentration of the contents in the water from the agricultural land environment was found to be
more » ... gher as oppose to that found in the content of the water from the forest land. As a result, it can be deducted that agricultural land deteriorates water quality whereas that of the forest land is of much better quality. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take advanced improved care of agricultural land close to a water source to improve the quality of Yeongsan River basin.
doi:10.14249/eia.2014.23.1.19 fatcat:urus6k26y5gixpl5hl46as4bzq