Geopolitical Evolutions in the Eastern Space in Romania's Proximity

Florin Iftode
We will debate some aspects related to the geopolitical equation of space in Romania's proximity where we have bigger actors (Russia), smaller actors (Republic of Moldova), as well as actors without international legitimacy (Transnistrian Republic). The geopolitical issue includes the analysis of the intersections between the Russian border and the Euro-Atlantic area, on the border line represented by the Republic of Moldova. The effect of the geopolitical tensions on the internal dynamics of
more » ... of Moldova's policy, exclusively the dependence on the Nistru crisis and the geopolitical and security blockage, is represented by the "frozen conflict" in Transnistria. We will show with arguments why the states in the Black Sea-Caucasus-Central Asia region have a double hypostasis: seen from Brussels, they are part of the eastern neighborhood of the EU, but seen from the Kremlin, they are part of the "close neighborhood" of Russia. Therefore, each of these states resembles the pieces on the chessboard waiting to be moved. In conclusion, the problems that the area raises are countless-interethnic conflicts, a mosaic of religions, frozen conflicts, instability, the presence of non-democratic institutions, collapse of states, economic backwardness, authoritarian regimes. Of the above list, no feature has positive features, which is an alarm signal.