Numeric Function Generators Using Piecewise Arithmetic Expressions

Shinobu Nagayama, Tsutomu Sasao, Jon T. Butler
2011 2011 41st IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic  
This paper proposes new architectures for numeric function generators (NFGs) using piecewise arithmetic expressions. The proposed architectures are programmable, and they realize a wide range of numeric functions. To design an NFG for a given function, we partition the domain of the function into uniform segments, and transform a subfunction in each segment into an arithmetic spectrum. From this arithmetic spectrum, we derive an arithmetic expression, and realize the arithmetic expression with
more » ... ardware. Since the arithmetic spectrum has many zero coefficients and repeated coefficients, by storing only distinct nonzero coefficients in a table, we can significantly reduce the table size needed to store arithmetic coefficients. Experimental results show that the table size can be reduced to only a small percent of the table size needed to store all the arithmetic coefficients. We also propose techniques to reduce table size further and to improve performance.
doi:10.1109/ismvl.2011.32 dblp:conf/ismvl/NagayamaSB11 fatcat:td6d3t2uyzbj5pbd4q23hu6zjy