Simulation of Closed Loop Speed Control of CUK Converter FED BLDC Motor with PI Controller

Y. Divya, P.Siva Prasad
2019 International Journal of Research in Advent Technology  
The BLDC applications are limited due to the present of torque ripples in the output during the speed control operation. This paper introduces a Proportional Integra l(PI) control approach for controlling of motor speed using CUK BLDC motor is fed with the CUK converter for speed control applications. The pulses to the CUK converter are provided through the PI controller. CUK Converter is used for low power applications and high efficient operation of SMPS power circuit. To get constant output
more » ... oltage, Load current, input voltage and reference voltages are taken as feedback signals. Matlab/Simulink software is used in the execution of this project.
doi:10.32622/ijrat.78201910 fatcat:6477l7esrrcaplfdheyzyjnmju