Hindlimb malformation in a Bangladesh Skittering Frog, Euphlyctis kalasgramensis Howlader, Nair, Gopalan, and Merila 2015 (Anura: Dicroglossidae)

Vanlal Siammawii, Fanai Malsawmdawngliana, Lal Muansanga, Hmar Tlawmte Lalremsanga
2022 Reptiles & amphibians : conservation and natural history  
N atural deformities among amphibians have been estimated to occur in less than five percent of individuals in populations in established habitats (Blaustein and Johnson 2003) . However, malformations in animals also arise as a result of environmental contaminants, radiation, parasites, or predation, which disrupt normal development, especially during the larval life-stages of amphibians (
doi:10.17161/randa.v29i1.16440 fatcat:z3bumkmdnfdnrnt3yujygzynue