Collaboration with cardiovascular surgery and plastic surgery for deep sternal wound infection

Hidehito Endo
Journal of the Kyorin Medical Society  
Deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) is one of the complications of open-heart and thoracic aortic surgery. DSWI is an intractable disease with high in-hospital mortality. Although countermeasures have been done according to the center for disease control and prevention, it is impossible to eliminate the pathogenesis of DSWI. Currently, there is not determinate treatment guideline for DSWI, and therapy which considered in each institution has been performed. However, very important points of
more » ... on treatment method in each institution are (1) severalty determination of DSWI, (2) debridement by severalty, (3) reconstruction of cheat wall, (4) reconstruction of synthetic prosthesis in pericardial cavity. We give an outline of diagnosis, management and therapeutic strategy by collaboration between cardiovascular surgery and plastic surgery, and mention the features of DSWI treatment in our institution.
doi:10.11434/kyorinmed.50.37 fatcat:inq7jgzognffdh353e5z3u3m6e