Constructing restoration strategies with availability risk constraints

Yunhe Hou, Zhijun Qin, Jie Yan
2014 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition  
System restoration strategies are established and implemented based on the availabilities of components of a system. However, due to lack of accurate information, availabilities of some components may not be known during establishment of restoration strategies after a blackout. In this paper, a novel risk-based methodology is proposed for constructing restoration strategies with stochastic availability constraints for both individual components and restoration paths. Based on a stochastic model
more » ... of the availability, a multistage stochastic optimization model is constructed. A bi-level method is used to solve the proposed model. The established restoration strategy is to achieve a reasonable restoration duration subjects to operating constraints and acceptable risk levels. The proposed risk constraints are introduced into the EPRI's System Restoration Navigator (SRN) with a little modification. Case studies demonstrate the proposed model and methods.
doi:10.1109/pesgm.2014.6939420 fatcat:fvljfzsdmrhllo5om4cuye6rx4