Pre and Post Process of Corporate Merger and Acquisition Technicalities

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
This research paper examines the overall merger and acquisition process and identifies the determinants of successful merger and acquisition for Indian companies. The acquisition process identified for this paper was classified into three stages, i.e., pre-acquisition management, post-acquisition integration, and post-acquisition performance evaluation. This process itself has a crucial role in deciding the success of the acquisition deal. Utilizing information from previous research, in the
more » ... sent study fifteen dimensions have been identified in three stages of merger and acquisition. These fifteen dimensions were employed as the building blocks of a successful acquisition transaction. Through synthesizing multiple dimensions in the overall acquisition process simultaneously, an attempt has been made to identify the content of specific factors that has affected a successful merger and acquisition deal.
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f1158.0886s19 fatcat:dlskxxkdlvf2pcjtcngw3n3ojy