Who's Who in Late Medieval Brussels

Bram Vannieuwenhuyze
2015 Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World  
Historians face many difficulties when plumbing the depths of the very dynamic and heterogenic population structures of pre-modern towns, especially because very few sources encompass the various layers of the urban population. In this paper I argue that it is necessary to collect and unlock larger amounts of data in databases, which in turn allow to compose multi-facetted biographies of townspeople and finally pave the way for urban prosopography. That is exactly the aim of the current Who's
more » ... o in late medieval Brussels database project, which unlocks biographical data on people who worked, lived or stayed in Brussels before 1600. In this paper I will shortly explain the configuration of the database and take it as a case study for balancing some of the methodological issues and present some research perspectives.
dblp:conf/bd/Vannieuwenhuyze15 fatcat:pibzqtp5vnfynnhd43w5jruure