The Weighting of Risk Factors for Road Infrastructure Accidents Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method

Ardilson Pembuain, Sigit Priyanto, Latif Budi Suparma
2019 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology  
There were 100,106 cases of traffic accidents that occurred in Indonesia in 2013, in which 26,416 people died, 28,438 people were seriously injured, and 110,448 people were mildly injured. Road infrastructure is one of the components of traffic safety. If it is not planned, designed, built and maintained properly, conditions such as poor geometry, damaged and unmaintained pavement surfaces can cause traffic accidents. Understanding of risk factors for road infrastructure accident and weighting
more » ... f factors are an important step in increasing traffic safety. In addition, limited data on accidents in Indonesia also pose an obstacle in evaluating accidents. This study aims to weight risk factors for road infrastructure accident without accident data using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. 40 respondents consisting of academics, practitioners, and stakeholders participated in filling out questionnaires on assessing risk factors for road infrastructure accident. The weighting results using AHP indicated that the priority ranking of accident risks from the largest to the smallest were road surface conditions, geometric conditions, road equipment, roadside hazard and road complementary buildings respectively. This study was limited to two-way, two-lane undivided urban road (4/2 UD) on straight and flat segments. Other segments and types of roads needs to be used because different types of roads have different risk factors and weights. The AHP method was used at the weighting phase without the process of assessing the existing road infrastructure.
doi:10.18517/ijaseit.9.4.7523 fatcat:izoilm4xozd4ppdtazx2oti2ia