Backstepping Algorithm with Sliding Mode Control for Magnetic Levitation System

B Niteshmeena, Sharma
2014 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics   unpublished
This paper considers the position tracking problem of a voltage controlled magnetic levitation systemwhich is governed by a SISO third-order nonlinear differential equation. It is well known that the levitation control problem is quite complicated and challenging due to inherent nonlinearities associated with the electromechanical dynamics and feedback linearization approach by coordinate transformation is consideredto be a useful candidate to tackle the control problem. Usually, however
more » ... k linearization control does not guarantee exact linearization and robustness in the presence of model uncertainties. In this paper,we propose backstepping algorithm with sliding mode control methodology to derive the structure of controller for magnetic levitation system. Numerical results are included to show effective position tracking performance of the designed control system. The proposed control strategy takes into account bounded, nonlinear, periodic disturbances.