1905 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
I ousli IS of 1845 the Parliamentary Road buildings were tken over by Ae Parochial Board, and were in use as the city poohouse till^.afewzionths ago. After the institution of the ]loyai InJArry fever cases were -accommodated in it, but -at various times special fever hospitals were opened. None -of thee were permanent institutios till the Parliamentary Road Hospital, built s as temporary measure in -864, was found so necessary that it was taken over by the Police Board and was definitely
more » ... ned -Wa permanent fever hospital. It is interesting to note that ,this was the first municipal. hospital in this country. THE FATEER OF THE FACULTY OF PHYSIOIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. John Burns,. of Fitzroy Place, GlasRow, and Bridgeton, recently entered upon his 9ist year. He has practised in Bridgeton for over eixty years, and, in spite of -his advanced age, still attends daily,to a large pramtice. He is the father of the Faculty of Ph?ysicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. ANDERSON'S COLLEGE MEDICAL SCHOOL, GLASGOW. Dr. Hugh McLaren has-been appointed Professor of Materia Medica at this school, in room of Professor Barclay Ness. Dr. Ness resigned the Materia Medica chair on being appointed to succeed the late Professor R. S. Thomson in the chair of Medicine. . QUEEN'S COLLEGIE, BELFAST. SIR DONALD CURSIE has notified his intention of presenting to Queen's College, Belfast, the sum of £20o0o0, provided thaet a similar sum is contributed by other friends. It is announced that a large portion of the desired £2o,ooo has already been promised.
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.2334.751-b fatcat:rrad6myusrdxxpwe4zf4fjxk6a