Heavy Metals Content in Water, Sediment, and Fish (Mugil cephalus) From Koycegiz Lagoon System in Turkey: Approaches for Assessing Environmental and Health Risk

T Genc, F Yilmaz
2018 J. Agr. Sci. Tech   unpublished
The concentration of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, As, Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn) in the water, sediment and fish (Mugil cephalus) were investigated from different sites on Köyceğiz Lagoon System. Potential ecological risk analysis of heavy metal concentrations in sediments underlined considerable ecological risk for two sites of the lagoon during winter and spring. The ratio of transfer factors of Hg, Cr, Cu, Zn, and As in fish from water was higher than 1, which means that fish undergo bioaccumulation of
more » ... se elements from lagoon water. The determination of individual Target Hazard Quotients (THQs) in fish tissue indicated safe levels for the local people, but there is a possible risk in terms of total THQ because the highest THQ value of As suggests that they may experience a certain degree of adverse health effect.